
Agent57: Outperforming the Atari Human Benchmark

Published December 5, 2023


1 min read

Image of Jarek Liesen

Jarek Liesen

Embark on a groundbreaking exploration of the Atari gaming landscape with “Agent57: Outperforming the Atari Human Benchmark” (2020) by Badia et al. This paradigm-shifting paper challenges the status quo, presenting Agent57 as the inaugural deep RL agent to not only meet but surpass the standard human benchmark across all 57 Atari games. The authors revolutionize training methodologies, introducing a neural network that skillfully navigates the spectrum from exploratory to exploitative policies. A novel adaptive mechanism dynamically prioritizes policies during training, ensuring optimal performance. The paper introduces an innovative architecture parameterization, fostering consistent and stable learning, a critical stride towards overcoming challenges posed by notoriously difficult games. Prepare to witness the emergence of Agent57 as the pinnacle of achievement, pushing the boundaries of reinforcement learning and reshaping the landscape of Atari game mastery.

Link to the paper: Link to the blog article:
